Rock The Tots – Gigs for little people… and their grown-ups!
We are Steph and Craig, seasoned performers with a wealth of experience and a love of live music. We’re also Mummy and Daddy to two small people.
We set up Rock The Tots to pass on our passion for music to the next generation of gig-goers. But just as importantly, we wanted to create a baby and toddler group that would entertain the grown-ups too. Our sessions are designed to inspire, entertain and burn off some excess energy! With the added bonus that you, the adult, get to listen to something a bit more contemporary, upbeat and on your level.
We love doing our sessions at Trowbridge Town Hall. The rooms are beautiful and airy. There’s a lovely café and shops on site, and it’s right in the town centre.
Visit our website to find out more, and see where we’re performing near you! rockthetots.co.uk. Visit the What’s On page to see when we’re next performing at the Town Hall!