Keeping our users safe during the pandemic.

Trowbridge Town Hall, The Free Range Café and We Are Undressed are committed to making any visit to the building as safe as possible.

Mask wearing is compulsory throughout the building unless you are exempt. Town Hall staff will be wearing masks unless they’re behind protective screens. If you arrive at the building without a mask, one of our team may approach to ask why. If you’ve simply forgotten, we can provide you with one.

We’re keeping a close eye on government guidelines and are adapting our activities to comply with these as they change.

As of 12th April 2021, we will be able to host a small number of children’s activities and support groups. Our art & book shop Uncover will re-open with We Are Undressed open as before, and The Free Range Café continuing to offer takeaway food and drink.

For any group booking taking place, a full risk assessment must be carried out by the group.

You can view the Town Hall’s risk assessment here.