Open Exhibition Winner Launches Solo Show at Trowbridge Town Hall

Curious, creative, colourful, artist, sculptor… Cameron Scott, with his unique flamboyant style, presents his exceptional work at the Trowbridge Town Hall gallery as winner of the 2021 Open Exhibition. Drawing on his prestigious legacy of working in fashion and then lecturing in art, we are now pleased to share this re-emerging artist’s exquisite and innovative creativity.

The exhibition runs from September 9th to October 14th, ranging from woven lengths produced at art school in 1964, through to his present-day lime wood relief carvings, also featuring a series of collages about Trowbridge, looking back at its industrial history, through to what’s happening in the town today.

Starting at Gray’s School of Art in Aberdeen in 1962, Cameron attained a degree in Textiles and Embroidery, going on to win the Cinzano Award, allowing him to work and study in fashion houses in Italy and Paris. He then taught for 25 years in various art schools across the UK, finishing as Head of School of Art in Burnley. Throughout this time, he was producing artwork from embroidery, collage, paper pulp and relief wood carving, with stories from his life being the common thread.

The places he has lived – his home village in Scotland, his time in Italy; memories of his childhood, the people in his life – parents, family, friends and artists… all of these influences are reflected in his work. As the work in itself tells stories, accompanying each piece there will be a paragraph telling at least part of the story of the picture, leaving the viewer to work out the rest…

Cameron has exhibited widely at the Royal Cambrian Academy, Fresh Air, Quenington, Fitzrovia Gallery, London, Abbey House Gardens, Malmesbury, Royal West of England Academy, Saatchi Gallery, Electric Picture House, and Congleton, amongst many other locations. He was recently awarded the John Doubleday Award at the Oxford International Art Contest 2022.

The Town Hall Gallery is open Monday – Saturday, 10am – 4pm.